Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Day 48

Trail miles: 16.5
Total: 638.4

The wind was still strong when I woke up. Not that I had any other choice than to get up and hike no matter what. The morning hike really put me in a bad mood, because I just want to be done with the desert. I tried listening to the learn German audiobook to distract my mind, but it was difficult repeating the phrases when you are huffing and puffing up a 2 mile hill. I made it to the water cache around 10 and it was worlds better than yesterday’s cache. There were plenty of shady trees to sit under and the water was actually cold! I sat in a tree nook for 2.5 hours while I charged my phone and inreach with the power banks the trail angel had left. Time moves fast when you are enjoying the shade! I cooked oatmeal for brunch and it was so good with a scoop of peanut butter and chocolate granola bits. Around noon I started up the 4 mile hill. The first half wasn’t bad, but it got steeper toward the top. I took a break at the top and checked my phone. I found out Raechel wasn’t too far behind so I sent her a message on where I’d be staying that night. I didn’t really care to hike much further, and it would give her a better chance to catch up. The landscape was much better higher up, with lots of carnivorous trees. And the top gave view to our first Sierra sighting. It got me very excited for what is to come! I got to camp at 4:30 and waited, wondering if anyone would show up. I got more nervous thinking I would have to spend my first night alone. But then I saw Raechel! She hiked 30 miles yesterday and 26 today. We were reunited in a running hug. There are 2 other groups of hikers that showed up as well. Someone commented that the beetles here were a nuisance and he was right. They land on you constantly. I put my tent up just to keep them off me. Raechel found a few in her sleeping bag and they keep landing on her. We hope they will go to sleep after sunset!

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