Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Good morning!

Let me introduce myself with who I am and why I decided to hike the Pacific Crest Trail or PCT. I am 25 years old with a bachelors degree in biochemistry working as a ceramics technician for Alcoa in Western Pennsylvania. I spend most of my free time white water kayaking, playing soccer, and snowboarding when I can. And when the weather is poor, I like to read books from the library or watch Big Brother and Say Yes to the Dress with my mom.
The first time I heard about the PCT was from a free REI class in which I only went so I could learn about packing lighter (the first tru hike I attempted was a complete nightmare). Ever since then it's been in the back of my mind as a "someday" trail, but wasn't brought up again until my friend from college convinced me that 2020 was the year! We gave ourselves enough time to pay off our student loans (which has been paid off as of two months ago) and save up wayyyy more money than we probably will need, because the last thing we want is to have to quit because of money.

As of now, we have about 215 days until we set out on the trail. My intention with this blog is to document my preparations and mistakes so others can find entertainment or maybe learn a few things with me. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

Rebecca (trail name TBD)