Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Day 47

Trail miles: 19.8
Total: 621.9

I like having my tent up when I have the time and it’s not too windy even when it’s hot, because it’s the closest thing you get to having your own room on trail. The campsites are usually tight so people camp on top of each other. Last night was no different. Lots of hikers everywhere, which I am grateful for. I heard there were mice around too, so I didn’t have to deal with them in my tent. Tonight I will be cowboy camping though because we are in another wind tunnel and not a lot of rocks around to holster my tent. Should be warm enough that I will sleep ok. I may have to put my headphones in for the sound though.

I got up at 5 again and was on my way by 6. I was a lot more relaxed getting up this morning and was able to do everything I wanted without feeling like I was running late. I was still one of the first ones out of camp. I guess not too many people care about the heat or I’m just a very slow hiker….still. I hopped off trail 7 miles in to get water at the spring, and I’m glad I did! That had to be one of the most beautiful areas on trail so far! The spring was clear, cold, and flowing heavily. I sat down and had some breakfast essentials with coffee. I’m glad I took the time to enjoy that because I was transported back into the desert very shortly after. I made it to the cache around lunchtime, which was a mistake. It was so hot even being overcast, and there was no shade anywhere. The water from the cache, I am grateful for, but it was such a disappointment compared to the spring. The temperature of the water could have been used to make hot chocolate. I met the Daley family finally at the lunch spot. You can find them on Instagram at DaleyWalks. They are hiking with 3 little ones, and the mom is carrying the youngest. Before I left, two men in a jeep rolled up and handed out candy and bags of goodies! I got Doritos, dark chocolate, Reese’s, fruit snacks, and a little cake! The best part was the chocolate must have been in the cooler, because it was chilled! I tried to get moving around 1:45pm, but after 2 miles I had to find shade and wait another hour. Camp is by a dirt road with a picnic table and some bushes to try and stop the wind. I had chicken tortilla soup for dinner and Milanos for desert. Now I am set up for the perfect viewing spot for the blood moon!

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