Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Day 35

Trail miles: 4
Total: 444.3

I was the first to get up and pack up to go in the morning, but I waited for Raechel and Krista to head out. We hiked easily into the RV camp in Acton where we bought day passes and picked up our packages. I got my new Altras! I hope they work out ok, because I have to throw my old ones in the trash. I spent a little time packing my food and laying out my gear to dry from the overnight dew. This place is like hiker haven. The area near the clubhouse, where they sell food and have Wi-Fi, was also the area where PCT hikers can set up tents in the field. So everyone from our bubble was here today! Courtney and Jonah planned a huge potluck for all of us and I helped provide watermelon, which was a hit. Anyway, before all that, I took a very cold shower after laundry. Then we ate lunch which was brought back from town by Brad and Krista. Raechel and I tried swimming for a bit but it was not heated at all so we gave up and took yet another very cold shower. I actually turned off the shower before I was done, got dressed in my swim clothes, grabbed all my stuff, and scooted to the other shower house where the water was actually warm. And then it was time for the potluck with “the dirty bubble,” which is what Raechel calls our group now, a reference to SpongeBob watchers. It was great and we stayed up too late having fun and hearing stories of others past hiking trips. I got some great pictures. I really felt like I was apart of the community. We planned on hiking out, but it was too much fun to leave and Krista wasn’t able to anyway because of her foot. She is going into an urgent care tomorrow to get it checked out and will try to meet us in Agua Dulce. This next section will be bigger and hotter than ever before. My food weight by itself is probably 15 lbs. I have no idea how I’m going to fit everything in my back tomorrow. We are all cowboy camping for a early getaway to the breakfast place in Agua Dulce, which is 10 miles away. Brad is actually stealth camping in the unused TP with 3 beds! It looks kinda gross in there so I did not take a bed. Hopefully I can get some sleep as we are right next to a road and train tracks. 

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