Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Day 33

Trail miles: 20.2
Total: 420.8

Good thing I drank those electrolytes because I needed them. I chugged that 3/4 liter and I still didn’t pee all night. I felt a lot less cramping though, which camp back towards the end of today. I am sleeping with my feet up tonight in hopes my feet feel better for another long day tomorrow. Hiking today was same old hills and snack breaks. I actually found out something new that I didn’t realize today. The horse PCT Trail and hiker PCT trail are not always the same. I took the horse trail headed south for a couple minutes before I realized it was wrong. I’ll have to pay more attention to the signed instead of just looking for the PCT logo. We got trail magic which included lollipops and fruit so I decided to put the apple in some oatmeal for lunch. At the stream where we were filtering water, a swarm of bees attacked me and my bag! I put on my rain gear to try to keep them from stinging me. At the next water source we had someone’s leftover trail magic which included hot dogs, pizza, brownies, and Oreos. I even snagged a honey packet for my peanut butter and jelly tortilla wraps. The hot dogs were worth it even though I felt them coming back up on the way up the 2 mile hill to camp. At least it saved me from cooking dinner! I rolled out my calf and back in Raechel’s tennis ball since we got there early enough before bed. I watched a great sunset out of my tent and ate some more snacks, which were gross. I keep trying new snacks to spice up my days, but they only work out like half of the time. Rachel and Krista a currently arguing about Raechel pressing all of us to get up and leave early in the morning and it’s so funny. Krista says Brad is so paranoid that he gets up 2 hours early and the pressure isn’t spoken, it’s in the air! Maybe that’s why Brad left us again to sprint into Acton. I just don’t want to be left behind and be ready last.

A couple international hikers are trying to catch a bus from Agua Dulce to Six Flags so they can experience an American amusement park. I’m sure it’s not much different, maybe the sugary foods! It was organized by Lizard King, who got his name by removing the dead lizard from the water trough that had been there for a week and giving it a proper burial and ceremony. 

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