Friday, August 5, 2022

Day 127

Trail miles: 0
Total: 2001

I wish I could have slept in more even thought it was past 8:00am, but I needed to finish my resupply before the post office closed and I still needed to go to REI to get a couple more dinners. Lifeguard made pancakes in the communal breakfast area and then I got to work on my resupply. I didn’t finish when I heard Raechel and Lifeguard were leaving for REI. They assured me they would come back here before heading to the post office to send boxes, so I figured I could finish after. It was a mile walk and we stopped at a local outfitter on the way. I got a Cuban rice and bean meal that I’m excited to try. We took the river trail to get to REI and I’m glad we did! First we saw people surfing on the river, which is something I’ve never seen before. Then we saw all the people floating on tubes. The trail was lined with lots of different wildflowers that made it feel cozy. It was a paved trail so a lot of bikers too. I spent over $400 in REI! At least I’ll get some nice dividend next year. First stop was shoes. I needed a pair of Hokas because I heard those were way more supportive than the Altras. That’s right, I’m switching teams. I think a lot of hikers have done that this year, so I am following the heard. I had to go a half size up from what I normally wear because my feet are so wide. I also bought some superfeet inserts just to have ready in the event that my arches start hurting in the new shoes. I can’t decide if I should carry them with me or have them sent to me if I need them. I got new injinji socks because all of mine have holes in them AGAIN. They are definitely the least durable socks I’ve used on trail. I tried on about 6 pairs of shorts, but they were either too big or too small so I’m just going to stick with my ripped up ones for now. Last, I grabbed a dinner and a new sleeping pad on the way out. Raechel and Lifeguard had met a thru hiker from 2019 who was offering us a ride back to our hostel! He told us about his thru hike and then the 2 year bike trip he and his wife are leaving for next week! I’m following him on Instagram now so I can see all the pictures. I finished my resupply while the girls went to eat Thai food, then we Ubered to the post office. I was able to pick up my package that was delayed in the mail and add some last minute food to each of the boxes I was mailing forward to Washington. Speaking of finding lost packages, my package lost in the abyss finally resurfaced and made its way to Old Station! I sent Renee a text and she is having it bounced to my Uncle in Oregon. And that concluded my town chores! So I relaxed on the hammock for over an hour just watching TikToks and downloading photos from my camera. Tonight was karaoke night so everyone had a fun time singing, including a group of hikers singing I’m Going to Be by The Proclaimers. My stomach got worse and worse as the night went on so I packed my bag and called in a night early. I do pride myself on how much stuff I got rid of and how lighter my pack weighs. Hopefully with that and the new shoes, I’ll be flying down the trail!

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