Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Day 78

Trail miles: 20.5
Total: 1,000.3

Holy crap, we hit 1000 miles. Right before we were there, I joked and said let’s run the last 0.3 miles and abroad started running! We only made it like 0.1 miles until the tree roots were too dangerous to run over. Today was a very slow day slowed down even further by all the water crossings. There was a section of trail where I basically ran because the mosquitoes were so bad. I couldn’t believe how bad they were. I looked down at my shoulder and there would be like 5-10 attached. I had to stop and out on my raincoat, which helped. Breaks are miserable because of them. It’s a bummer you can’t enjoy stopping, you just have to keep moving. I’ll pick up some type of bug repellent and bugnet for my face in Kennedy Meadows North tomorrow. On the first hill of the day, I took off into the bushes to find a stop to dig a cat hole. As I’m digging it, I see a hat pop up over the bushes. I said “Brad, I’m pooping here, find your own spot.” It was so funny and he was sad and had to go somewhere else. Raechel and Krista said we might be picking spots close together. Poor Big owl has a bad foot injury and might have to get off trail. We gave her some of our extra food to allow her to do shorter miles so she can be out here an extra day. I basically had pie filling for lunch. I spoiled myself and got a cookie crumble meal from the store which was good. I mean it had fruit in it so that has to count for something.

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