Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Day 68

Trail miles: 19.9
Total: 878.7

Woke up to be ready by 6:00am, but the gang left earlier and I was confused like I thought I missed something. I couldn’t keep up with the men and I felt like I was being left behind. I tried my hardest to keep going up the 7 mile uphill to Seldon Pass and I would walk fast on the flat sections. And I caught up to Brad and Krista before the approach under the pass. Raechel was sitting in the grass waiting to ascend with us. She says she was angry walking because of her foot injury. She is going into VVR tomorrow to get an extra day of rest since it hurts her on the downhills. Big Owl gave her compression sleeves for her legs and she says they are helping. At the top of the pass, Jonah and Tom were waiting for us to take our Ass on a Pass pictures and I was convinced to join today. It was fun! Then I got to glissade down the hill a little. The snow was slushy, but much shorter than Muir Pass. I was so lethargic again from hunger. I ate a fart cookie (Lary and Lenny) with some Nutella and Mio and I felt better for a little. But the hunger creeps up so fast no matter how much I eat. We at lunch around mile 16 where we thought there would be cell service, but we were lied to. Raechel gave me a peanut butter tortilla because I miscalculated for my real start of hiker hunger. There was one water crossing where I had to cross in my crocs and it wasn’t hard at all. There was a log crossing where I had to use like four different logs. Brad and the rest of the guys pushed a long mileage day today so they could go into town tomorrow. They were tired and for good reason. Mentally, they were tired of taking care of people who have no business being in a place so dangerous. So tonight we are having a girls night! Raechel, Krista, Big Owl, Lifeguard (who just joined us from VVR!), and I are sitting around a fire pit talking about our past week. It’s such a great little ranting and story session.

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