Thursday, June 9, 2022

Day 72

Trail miles: 0
Total: 903.3

For some reason the room I slept in was hot as heck so it took a little for me to finally fall asleep. I didn’t sleep in as long as I would have liked to either. That’s ok, because we still have another night in town. I went back to the bagel shop for a chocolate croissant and chocolate milk. I knew we had people coming for brunch potluck, so I got to cleaning the kitchen. There was a lot left over from the night before. It felt nice to do the dishes and take the trash out because I did nothing to help cook for the potluck, so I feel better knowing I was able to contribute somehow. And brunch was a feast! Sea bear made pasta with grated cheese, Brad cooked streak and a corn mix, Raechel made French toast, and Courtney made a tater tot casserole. It was all so filling! I filled the dishwasher again after to do my part. And then I turned on the second episode of Kenobi, which most people stuck around to watch! Then when it ended someone said, “next one!” so I’m glad people were enjoying it. We probably won’t be able to watch the next one until Lake Tahoe, which is in two weeks. I walked around town with Raechel and picked up a crop top to send home. We also stopped for chocolates we definitely did not need, but this is the one time in my life where I can eat whatever I want! Too bad my wallet doesn’t feel the same way. I packed half my bag so it’s ready for the morning and I can sleep in as long as possible.

For dinner, we ordered sushi back to the BnB and played The Town for a couple hours. It was slow at the start when we were learning the rules, but it quickly rose to screaming matches as to who was lying and who was telling the truth. I very much enjoyed it and I’m the end, I picked the right people and won the game! Another late night, but it was worth it. Tomorrow I go to the post office to send my souvenirs home and then we hike back to the trail.

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